
  • Mr. Anup Das


This Article Gives a clear picture about the Marketing of information services and products of University library. The study has been carried out to show the Marketing of information services and products of Amravati University Library. Librarians and information specialists have debated the idea of marketing for the information sector. Several things have compelled us to learn about marketing and begin doing it. Librarianship is experiencing rapid change. Information technology has created a new gateway for information services. Information products and services in a multiplicity of formats have made libraries and information centres more competitive and alert. Libraries are being subjected to significant pressures from the information revolution. The challenges of budget cuts, increased user base, the rapid growth of material, rising costs, networking demands, competition by database vendors, and complexity in information requirements are forcing the professionals to adopt marketing to improve the management of library and information centres. Marketing aims to identify the client base, and to determine and fill its needs, wants, and demands by designing and delivering appropriate products and services.


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