
  • MBOG MBOG SEVERIN Ph.D Student En Santé Et Environnement Université Of Yaounde I



To improve the healthiness of the hospitable environment to the profit of the populations, a survey on the management of the strong biomedical garbage (DBMS) has been led in the Sanitary Formations (FOSA) of some regions of Cameroon of the 1st to December 30, 2016. A questionnaire submitted to the persons responsible of the hospitals, chiefs of services, supervisors of services and responsible of the hospitable hygiene and an interview with the staffs of care and the operators of incinerators permitted to appreciate the mechanisms and the knowledge on the management of the DBM. On the 150 distributed questionnaires, 98 answers have been gotten, either a rate of answer of 65,3%. To the level of every FOSA, the incinerators stopped functioning since 1993-2000. The problems of management of the DBMS have been observed to all levels. During the phase of collection, there is neither identification nor sorting. The trash cans are almost everywhere exposed. The maneuvers, for lack of to carry the trash cans on the back or the head, uses a rolling table.      The garbage succeed little in the open in a crevasse deep where they are burnt periodically to the free air. The collection, the storage and the transportation make themselves without any protective means (gloves, boots, masks, aprons, etc.). The essential determinants of this bad management would be the insufficiency of financial means and formation of the agents charged of the enticement, the staff's unconsciousness, and the use of practices non standardized, for lack of program.  Henceforth, The burying and or the improved artisanal incineration has been chosen like method of elimination of the DBMS in the present context of the categories concerned. A yearly program has been proposed in this sense. The strategies of approach are the formation and information, the incentive, the equipment, the supervision and the assessment. The execution of this program requires a budget of 5 423 454 CFA francs distributed between the formation (22%), the equipment (40%), the construction of the fosse/incinerator and the follow-up (38%). The tasks are distributed between a physician of public health, the persons responsible of units of care, and the agents appointed to the enticement and the elimination of the DBMS. The impact will be appreciated by the disappearance of the wild deposits thanks to the efficient elimination of all DBMS in the sanitary burying pit or artisanal incineration


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